SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT SYMPOSIUM – Granada 1 al 3 de junio 2016
Los días 1 al 3 de junio se celebrará en Granada el “SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT SYMPOSIUM, 6TH annual european postgraduate symposium”. Los interesados en participar pueden enviar sus resúmenes hasta el día 9 de febrero de 2016.
Este congreso pretende “reunir a jóvenes investigadores y académicos de toda Europa y un amplio conjunto de disciplinas y áreas de conocimiento comprometidas con el desarrollo sostenible”.
Tras una primera edición organizada por el Trinity College de la Universidad de Dublín en 2011, estos congresos se han celebrado en la Graz University of Technology (Austria), en la Parthenope University de Nápoles (Italia), en la Pan European University en Bratislava (Rep. Checa) y en la Faculty of Architecture and the Institute of Social and Political Sciences en Lisboa (Portugal).
Os dejamos las fechas clave y los objetivos de este congreso. Para más información, para el envío de resúmenes o para el registro en el congreso, os remitimos a la página oficial del mismo:
“Abstract Acceptance Info: Friday, February 19, 2016
Paper Submission Deadline: Friday, April 01, 2016
Paper Acceptance Info: Sunday, May 01, 2016
Presentations Receiving: Sunday, May 15, 2016
Conference Program Announcement: Friday, May 20, 2016
Conference Days: June, 1st – 3rd 2016”
“The SDS 2016 aims to gather young researchers and academics from European Universities from a broad range of disciplinary backgrounds (e.g., Architecture, Urban Planning, Technologies, Social Sciences, etc.) who are devoted to build a more sustainable development, and so, to create a better and a more friendly environment for the present and for the coming generations.
During these last five years, the Symposium has been building a unique platform for the discussion of such an important topic as this of the Sustainable Development. Over three days stay, in Granada, we would like to invite you to share your perception and achievements. Another goal of this meeting is to create a research network for further synergies.
We would like to invite you to submit your abstracts to the Symposium. The abstracts should be written in English, the official language of the event.”
“The abstracts should conform (but are not limited to) to the following topics:
•Policies and Practices on Land Planning and Management
•Health and Life Quality
•Business and Economic Activities
•Culture of Sustainability and Education
•Rules and Regulations
•Spatial Governance
•Geopolitical Situation and Specificity
•Policies and Practices on Natural Resources Management
•Metrics for Measuring Sustainability
•Environmental policies: climate change mitigation
•Environmental Monitoring and Modelling
•Smart and Sustainable Materials
•(Re) Use and Recycling Techniques
•Waste Management
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