IUU y The mediated city

La conferencia THE MEDIATED CITY, organizada por la revista AMPS – Architecture Media Politics Society, la Ravernsbourne University y la Woodbury University y que tendrá lugar en Londres (UK) el 1-3 de abril, ofrece una plataforma para visiones diversas de la ciudad. El objetivo es llevar gente de ámbitos de estudios muy distintos e intentar reconfigurar una lectura -aunque múltiple y compleja- de la ciudad desde todas esas visiones fragmentarias. Por ello se intentará entrelazar miradas muy distintas y examinar la ciudad como fenómeno mediatizado y compartido.

La ciudad, como concepto, es algo muy debatido. Según algunos, a los arquitectos les interesa, de forma general, por su entidad física, su materialidad de hormigón y ladrillo. Por los  estudiosos de geografía humana es el lugar de la interacción entre individuos y sus voluntades. Para los directores de cine es un espacio de acción y, a menudo, de pesadillas futurísticas. Para los programadores informáticos se ha vuelto en un ambiente virtual –el “second life”, una ciudad SIMulada-. Los sociólogos dicen que es uno de los factores que definen la identidad cultural. Para los políticos y los activistas es un espacio de ocupación y un ámbito de la polis.


Juan Luis de las Rivas, Marina Jiménez Jiménez y Mario Paris presentaran el paper “Creating Figures: Why re-imagining urban structure supports a regenerative urban model” de los que os dejamos el Abstract aquí:


Nowadays, planners have new tools which might strengthen planning objectives. Particularly, the production of coherent territorial –land, landscape, urban realm- representations it is preliminary and necessary in planning and urban design process. Those new tools can support a better understanding of urban space, identifying its features and forecasting future scenarios. The result could be a set of figures which represents complex and organic spatial frames. Drawing those figures means integrate and overcome the simple description of images, and reach –by design- several interpretations of those territorial structures, which emerge from both urban and landscape background. In this way, we try to achieve an innovative representation of urban structure in our planning work for the city of Valladolid (Spain).

We read the city structure as a physical support –formal, functional and symbolic- of urban reality and we split up the “articulated geometry” of the global system in three basic figures: mobility, centers and places (neighbourhoods, sectors with homogeneous urban fabric and with specific identity), and public open spaces. Those figures are an unconventional representation of three sub-systems, interconnected and complementary. They correspond to the mayor “groups of relationships” that articulate the manifold and mediated urban reality: flows, activities, and local ecologies. A design-oriented reading have to focus on this articulation of private and public spaces and clear up –not just simplify- the relationship formed by the natured constraints of place and its built environment conditions, two systems constantly evolving. In our opinion this represent the dynamic context where planning could works and the urban regeneration takes sense in own contemporary city.

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