28 February 2014

ECOMUSEUMS 2014 2nd International Conference on Ecomuseums, Community Museums and Living Communities

September 3-5, 2014 * Montalegre * Portugal

Organised by: Green Lines Institute for Sustainable Development / International Centre for Cultural and Heritage Studies – Newcastle University


Más información en la web oficial de la conferencia

ECOMUSEUMS 2014 – 2nd International Conference on Ecomuseums, Community Museums and Living Communities follows the path established by its first conference and (as the predecessor) aims at gathering scholars, academics and practitioners working in the areas of Ecomuseums and Community Museums all over the world in an event that may contribute to the global discussion and understanding of the ecomuseums and community museums phenomena. The ecomuseum movement has its origins in late 1960’s France when the roles museums can play in linking people, their heritage expressions and places, as well as affecting social change, were examined. At this time, traditional museum activities, which centered on the collection of heritage to be interpreted by curators and other museum professionals within a museum building, were viewed as both limited and exclusive in approach. In more recent decades, ecomuseums have been established throughout the world and are guided by a variety of differing aims and objectives. For example, an ecomuseum may resemble a more conventional museum in appearance or, in other cases, an open–air community-controlled heritage project, depending on the place. It can be considered that this wide range of ecomuseological and community-based museological initiatives demonstrates an international interest in alternative heritage management approaches. For this reason, Ecomuseums 2012 seeks to bring together scholars, researchers, architects and heritage professionals to discuss the commonalities, differences and future of safeguarding practices that are holistic and community oriented in scope. As in the previous edition Early Stage Researchers are welcome to share the results of their research projects, namely post-graduation projects and doctoral projects among others. Special registration conditions are previewed for their best contributions, under the Scientific Committee evaluation. ECOMUSEUMS 2014 is a peer reviewed conference.

Visit the conference website for full details about the conference scope, topics and submission procedures at:

Abstract and Panel Proposal Submission Submit an abstract or a panel proposal via the conference website: or contact the Conference Secretariat below.

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