The Instituto Universitario de Urbanistica, IUU, as University Research Institute, is a centre of the University of Valladolid whose specific purpose is to develop scientific and technical research, postgraduate and doctorate teaching and lifelong education in the area of Urban and Regional Planning, from an interdisciplinary perspective, which involves fields of knowledge such as Architecture, Geography, Law, History, Economics and all those related to the analysis, territorial planning, designing, urban planning and construction of cities and territories.
The IUU was promoted by a group of professors from the School of Architecture of the University of Valladolid, in collaboration with people from other centres and universities, thinking in an interdisciplinary perspective from the outset. The Board of Governors of the University of Valladolid gave an initial approval on December 20, 1990, and the UVa’s Social Council finally adopted as Research Institute on 24th April 1991, since the IUU began acting as such.
After appropriate processing, previous the proposal of the Social Council of the University of Valladolid and with the favorable report of the Council of Universities, the Junta de Castilla y León, from a proposal of the Regional Department of Education and Culture, approved the creation of IUU through Decree 181/1997, dated 26th September (BOCYL nº186 of 29th September 1997).
The IUU is governed by the Rules of Procedure adopted by the University of Valladolid on 28th March 2022. On the other hand, and as established by Law 3/2003 of Universities of Castilla y León, the IUU is subject to evaluation every five years by the Quality Assurance Agency for the University System in Castilla y León (ACSUCYL), having obtained favorable assessments in the periods 1998-2004, 2006-2010, 2012-2016 and 2018-2022.
The raison d’être of the IUU is to serve as a useful instrument for research and specialised and permanent teaching of Urban and Regional Planning from an interdisciplinary perspective, serving as a meeting point and promoting the joint work of professors and researchers from different areas of knowledge, which has been included as a priority and a merit in the Organic Law 2/2023, of 22 March, of the University System.
Bearing in mind this mission and based on its location at the University of Valladolid as an own centre, the long-term vision of the IUU is to remain a public university centre of reference in Spain in the field of research and specialised and permanent teaching of Urban and Regional Planning, as well as to increase its international presence and recognition, particularly in Europe and Latin America. At the same time, the IUU claims its commitment to the Autonomous Community of Castilla y León and its will to contribute to the improvement of the quality of life in its cities and territories, through collaboration with other institutions and entities, whether public or private, based on the defence of town and country planning as a public function at the service of society as a whole.
In order to articulate and give cohesion and coherence to the activity of the members of the IUU, some priority lines of research have been established which promote interdisciplinary research and are aimed at facilitating the transfer and dissemination of knowledge to society, particularly in Castilla y León and other neighbouring regions with similar characteristics, so that they contribute to tackling the current challenges facing society in the Autonomous Community and other surrounding regions.
- Territorial and urban planning. Innovations and new approaches to spatial planning instruments, in particular with regard to the incorporation of current issues such as energy transition and the fight against climate change, urban regeneration and new urban agendas.
- Urban and territorial heritage. Analysis, assessment and representation of heritage elements and systems in both urban and territorial contexts, including new methodologies that contribute to their better knowledge, protection and use, and also addressing social and economic aspects (gentrification, tourism…).
- Housing and the city. Analytical and propositional studies that address both the spatial dimension of the residential phenomenon (new typologies, groupings, regeneration processes, standards…) and its social and economic dimensions (structures and institutions, supply and demand, access to housing, tenure and use regimes, public policies…).
- Rural environment. Opportunities and barriers for the development of the rural environment, addressing dimensions such as landscape, urban and architectural heritage, territorially based productive activities (agriculture, forestry, energy, services and tourism…) and social aspects (depopulation and ageing, housing, public services, rural innovation…) and environmental aspects (natural resources…).
- Urban history. Historical research on the city, the territory and its planning and management instruments, whether of a theoretical and historiographical nature or referring to case studies, extending knowledge of urban and town planning history through new perspectives and methods, analysis based on primary sources, procedures of analysis and graphic representation, etc.