Alfonso Alvarez Mora (Úbeda, Jaén, 1945) is an architect by the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid, 1972, and Doctor of Architecture, by the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, 1976, with a doctoral thesis entitled “Los Asentamientos Urbanos Preindustriales”. Professor of Urban Planning, non-tenured, at the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid, from 1973 to 1979. Adjunct University Professor in the Area of Urban Planning, 1979, by competitive examination, with assignment at the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid. University Professor, since 1984, by competitive examination, in the Area of Urban and Regional Planning, with destination at the University of Valladolid, of which in 2018 he was appointed Honorary Professor Emeritus.
Scholarship holder of the Ministry of Education, in the Teacher Training Program, during the years 1972-75. Visiting Scholar, at the M.I.T of Cambridge, U.S.A, during the years 1983-84. Researcher in Paris, National Archives, in 1991. Fellow of the DGICYC, in 1992 and 1995. Fellow of the Subprogram of Stays of Spanish Researchers in Foreign Centers, in the University “La Sapienza” of Rome, during two occasions, in the academic years 1997-1998, and 2003-2004 and Researcher of the National Plans of Scientific Research, Development and Technological Innovation: Program I+D+I 2004-2007 with the project “Production of the housing and patrimonial recovery in the territorial frame of the Historical Centers. A propósito de las “economías urbanas” and Plan Nacional de I+D+I 2008-2011 with the project “Políticas urbanas aplicadas a los conjuntos históricos: logros y fracasos. Towards a proposal for urban rehabilitation as an alternative to the extensive real estate model”.
He has been Director of the Department of Analysis and Instruments of Architectural and Urban Intervention of the University of Valladolid from 1986 to 1993, from 1996 to 1997 and from 1998 to 2003; Director of the School of Architecture of Valladolid from 1993 to 1996; and Director of the Journal “Ciudades”, published by the University Institute of Urban Planning, of which he was founder and also Director in various periods, and of which in 2019 he was appointed Honorary President. Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal “Historia Urbana”, he was coordinator of the Doctoral Programs that the Institute of Urbanistics taught at the Universities of Guadalajara and Puebla, in Mexico.
He has lectured at numerous universities and research centers in Spain and abroad. Teaching activity at the Universities of Guadalajara (Mexico), Autónoma de Puebla (Mexico), de las Américas (Puebla, Mexico), Iberoamericana (Puebla, Mexico), Autónoma de Aguascalientes (Mexico), (Universidad de Guanajuato (Mexico), Popular (Puebla, Mexico), Politécnico de Milán, “La Sapienza” (Rome), Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas. Director of Doctoral Theses within the “City, Territory and Heritage” Program, on the Mexican cities of Puebla, Mexico City, Guanajuato, Aguascalientes, Guadalajara.
Author of numerous books and articles, including “La Remodelación del Centro de Madrid” (1978), “Los Centros Urbanos” (1980), “Valladolid” (in “Atlas Histórico de Ciudades Europeas. Península Ibérica”, 1994), “La Ciudad Bajomedieval” (in “Historia del Arte de Castilla y León”. Tomo III. “Arte Gótico”, 1995), “La Catedral Medieval en el espacio de la Ciudad Moderna” (in “Sacras Moles. Catedrales de Castilla y León”, 1996), “La Necesaria Componente Espacial en la Historia Urbana” (in “La Historia Urbana”, Edit. C. Sambricio, 1996), “Una nuova cittá disegnata su quella esistente.Valladolid nell’800” (Revista “Storia Urbana”, 1986), “Back Bay Boston” (Revista “UR”, 1989), “La Ciudad Americana. Influencia de la Urbanística Barroca y dieciochesca europea” Rev. Anales de Arquitectura, 1990), “La Cité-Jardinen Espagne” (in “Cités, Cités-Jardins: Une Histoire Européenne”. Editions de la Maison des Sciences de l’Homme d’Aquitaine, 1996). “The Question of Historic Centers. Generations of Recent Urban Planning and Policies (in “City, Territory and Heritage. Research Materials”, Valladolid. University Institute of Urban Planning. 2001); “Reforma Urbanística o Recreación Monumental: Un dilema abierto para el Centro Histórico de Puebla. (In “City, Heritage and Management”, Coord, Mireia Viladevall. Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, Mexico. 2001; “Les Espaces Libres comme Systeme Urbain” (In, “Espaces Publics, Architecture l’Urbanité de part et d’autre de l’Atlantique”, Université Saint-Étienne. Saint-Étienne. 2002); “Bilbao. The definition of a “brand image” as a competitive claim. Crónica de un proceso iniciado” (Rev “Ciudades”. nº 5. University of Valladolid. Institute of Urban Planning. 2000); “Centro e periferia nella formazione della Città Moderna: Roma e Madrid a confronto” (Rev “Storia Urbana”. nº 92. Milano. 2000); “Ideas para Comillas. For the Protection and Planning of the Town and its Surroundings” (Rev “Ciudades”, nº 7. University of Valladolid. Institute of Urban Planning. 2003).
The last four books published deal with the “Geography of Don Quixote. Paisajes y Lugares en la Narrativa Cervantina”, Museo Iconográfico del Quijote, Guanajuato, 2005, “La Construcción Histórica de Valladolid. City Project and Class Logic”, University of Valladolid, 2005, “The Myth of the Historical Center. El Espacio del Prestigio y la Desigualdad”, Universidad Iberoamericana de Puebla, Mexico, 2006, and “Paesistica/Paisaje. Vittoria Calzolari”, University Institute of Urban Planning. University of Valladolid, Secretariat of Publications and Editorial Exchange, 2012.
Alfonso Álvarez Mora
Architect PhD
Honorary Emeritus Professor
Honorary President of the ‘Instituto Universitario de Urbanística’