Víctor Pérez Eguíluz was born in Palencia (1985). He finished his studies of Architecture at the University of Valladolid (2009). “Extraordinary Award Bachelor” and “National Award for Excellence in academic performance”, he completed his training with the “Master in research in Architecture” in 2012 and he became PhD (2015) after defending his thesis: ¿Patrimonio o Ciudad? Limitaciones de los instrumentos de intervención urbanística en los Conjuntos Históricos de Castilla y León. Since 2007 he has been working as researcher at the “Instituto Universitario de Urbanística”.
Between 2011-2015, he enjoyed a FPI Fellowship issued by the Ministry of Economy, being professor at the Department of Urban Planning and Representation of Architecture, where he teaches in the fields of “Urban Rehabilitation and Heritage” and “Ecology, Urban Planning and Landscape”, “Urban Design”, “Theory of the City and Urban Debates” or “Planning for New Areas”. He has given lectures and courses at the School of Architecture of Valladolid, the Institut d’Urbanisme de Paris, or the Facoltà di Architettura in the Università “La Sapienza” in Rome. He also participates as a speaker at various international congresses of architecture, urbanism and planning.
Among his professional and research work, he focuses particularly on the study and intervention of the consolidated city, analyzing urban and territorial phenomena, applying GIS and statistical analysis. Currently, he works in the R+D+I Project “Territorios Activos. Diseño y desarrollo de un Living Lab para la caracterización e impulso sostenible de iniciativas innovadoras en el medio rural de Castilla y León” directed by María Castrillo Romón. He has also worked in other R+D as “UrbanHist – History of European Urbanism in the 20th Century” (2016-2021); “Las Áreas de Rehabilitación Integrada y sus efectos en la recuperación de los espacios urbanos históricos” (2013-2015); “Políticas urbanísticas aplicadas a los Conjuntos Históricos, logros y fracasos” (2011-2013) and other research tasks related to urban regeneration, urban design and planning: “Estrategia de Regeneración Urbana en Castilla y León” (2015), “Revisión del Plan General de Valladolid” (2012-2015), “Regeneración Urbana Integrada en Europa” (European meeting in Toledo 2010), “Criterios de calidad sostenible”, “Revisión de las Dotvaent”, etc.
In adition, as international complement to his professional and academic experience, he has worked in the MVRDV of the Netherlands (2010) study and has been visiting researcher at the School of Architecture at the University of Malaga (2012), at the Institut d’Urbanisme de Paris-UPEC (2013) and the Facoltà di Architettura of the Università “La Sapienza” di Roma (2014).
Víctor Pérez Eguíluz
Architect PhD