All papers published in Ciudades issues can be viewed and downloaded in PDF format from this page through the following links as well as in the website of Revistas UVa, the institutional repository UVaDoc or through some bibliographic portals like Dialnet.
Processes, actors and temporalities of the institutionalisation of urban planning. On the seventieth anniversary of the 1956 Spanish Land Law
Ciudades 29, 2025
Urban fragmentation and residential segregation: New perspectives, ruptures and challenges in the cities of the 21st century
Ciudades 28, 2025
Urbanistic approaches to (in)formal urbanisation
Ciudades 27, 2024
Open spaces for public use as a system: complexity and contradiction
Ciudades 26, 2023
Paths towards a healthier city
Ciudades 25, 2022
Active rural environments: innovative patterns of land planning, administration, participation and governance
Ciudades 24, 2021
Exploring the intermediate scales: practices and experiences from no-institutional territorial dimensions
Ciudades 23, 2020
Medium-Sized Cities: Concepts and Views, Territorial and Urban Profiles
Ciudades 22, 2019
Urban Heritages
Ciudades 21, 2018
Regenerating the City. Conditions and limits of an integrated urban strategy
Ciudades 20, 2017
Urban History, Urbanism History. Europe, 20th Century
Ciudades 19, 2016
The Counter-reformist Urbanism
Ciudades 18, 2015
Proximity, a New Urban Value?
Ciudades 17, 2014
Other place for Centre? Urban centralities, territorial polarities
Ciudades 16, 2013
Regional Planning: fundamentals and practice of a discipline under construction
Ciudades 15, 2012
Recovery of Historic Centres
Ciudades 14, 2011
Rehabilitation of Peripherical Neighbourhoods: Discussions and Challenges
Ciudades 13, 2010
Nature in The City: Places and Processes
Ciudades 12, 2009
City and Infrastructure
Ciudades 11, 2008
Generators of New Urban: Retail Spaces
Ciudades 10, 2007
Latin American City: Beyond the Grid
Ciudades 9, 2005-2006
City Remodelling
Ciudades 8, 2004
Regional Dispersion, Landscape and Constructed City: Aims and challenges of Urban Planning
Ciudades 7, 2002-2003
The Garden City one hundred years later
Ciudades 6, 2000-2001
Urban Advantages and Competitiveness among Cities
Ciudades 5, 1999
Territory and Heritage
Ciudades 4, 1998
Thinking the City, Vitality and Limits of the Urban Plan
Ciudades 3, 1996
The Teaching of Urbanism. An European Perspective
Ciudades 2, 1995
Urban Ideology, 25 years later
Ciudades 1, 1993